Apart from moments of pathos and cliché the used sounds from productions of various decades mainly take up aspects of entertainment and spectacle. In »dialogue-scraps« serious themes like masculinity, companionship, love and death are brought up as well as affirmative moments of high spirits and entertainment, which were perfected in the course of the special-effect-cinemas of the 1990s as a strategy of the so called »militainment«.
Dramaturgy as a whole is broken open and resembles more a television-like fragmentation. The film constitutes a parenthesis between creation, mutation, emission, »recoupation«, and destruction of one's own effigy as a medial projection.
Bjørn Melhus is the awardee of this years HAP Grieshaber Preis of the VG Bild-Kunst that is assigned by the Stiftung Kulturfonds.