In the spring of 2018, the Deutsche Künstlerbund is presenting exhibition »STAGE|SET|AREA«. The three artists Silvia Beck, Antje Blumenstein and Suse Weber produce a flexible exhibition installation based on the special features of the project space - red linoleum floor, tribune situation, large shop windows. Instead of a static situation, a changeable experiential space is to be created, the elements of which are to be expanded in the course of the exhibition and shift the entire scenario. This involves the interfaces between different methods.
Silvia Beck works with fictional documentaries to explore and disclose structures and codes of conduct in socio-cultural systems - fiction often comes closest to reality. Under the title SEQUEL SET, she once again uses the exhibition space as a production site. The fleeting elements of light and sound as well as the audience as a player merge into a fictional framework story, which is developed and updated in time, in the form of a new reality and filmic narrative.
Antje Blumenstein continues her survey of fundamental spatial parameters under the title FOLDED AREA. With her installation made of bent aluminium rods, she transfers lines from a two-dimensionally created pictorial space into the real three-dimensional exhibition space. The experimental arrangement, which will be changed and expanded in the course of the exhibition, is only revealed by the movement in space and presupposes an active view. The play with geometric surfaces and segments takes place in the imagination and projects the "disassembled" space back into the surface.
In her work, Suse Weber has coined the term Emblematic Sculpture, which enables her to explore the triangular relationship between viewer – artist – work. Mechanisms and conventions of an action and their translation into individual figures and symbol hybrids are subject to a rotating process. The established format of the »Studio//Bühne« deals with artistic conventions at the time of publication of own works. In the Project Space of the Deutsche Künstlerbund under the title STUDIO//STAGE, she also invites other actors to discuss these issues.