Deutscher Künstlerbund
between tradition and future
As a forum for the avant-garde the Deutscher Künstlerbund (Association of German Artists) was founded in 1903 on the initiative of Harry Graf Kessler, promoter of arts and artists, Lovis Corinth, Max Liebermann, Alfred Lichtwark and Max Slevogt among others in Weimar. After its liquidation by the National Socialists in 1936 it was re-established in 1950 by the artists Willi Baumeister, Karl Hofer, Ewald Matré and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff in Berlin.
Today about 820 renowned visual artists are members of the association. Since its foundation, the Deutscher Künstlerbund – at the beginning still in the position of a pioneer – has competently and dedicatedly assumed politico-cultural duties and responsibilities in our society.
It perceives itself as an association of visual artists, who commit themselves to the protection of their members’ interests while respecting each other’s work. The members of the Künstlerbund cooperate in national and international governmental committees, boards of curators and panels which play an advisory role in the debating of legislative regulations. In the meantime, many of the initiatives of the Deutscher Künstlerbund have established themselves as a matter of course in the cultural everyday life such as the institution of the social security fund for artists.
The Deutscher Künstlerbund regards itself as a vibrant place of artistic debate and critical discourse. Its project space in Berlin provides an attractive platform for the discussion of current questions and contemporary positions.
The Deutscher Künstlerbund stands up for the continuance of artistic license as an indispensable foundation for further cultural development and for a vigorous position of art and artists in society.