Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V.
17.09.1988 until 23.10.1988
Otto Piene und das CAVS
Special Exhibition: Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe

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Alexenberg, Mel

Begleiter, Eric

Bell, Bill

Brigham, Joan

Brixey, Shawn Alan

Burgess, Lowry

Campus, Peter

Casdin-Silver, Harriet

Claus, Jürgen

Connors, Betsy

Czaji, Attlia

D'Agostino, Peter

Dailey, Dan

Davis, Joe

Dent, Walter

Earls, Paul

Gant, Rus

Geitz, Sarah

Goldering, Elizabeth

Goodyear, John

Grabill, Vin

Ihara, Michio

Janney, Christopher

Judge, C.M. Cathrine

Jung, Dieter

Kepes, Gyorgy

Kowalski, Piotr

Kracke, Bernd

Lake, Shelley

Larkin, David

Lausten, Thorbjorn

Leber, Titus

McCarty, Jerry

Moorman, Charlotte

Moss, Joe


Nesjar, Carl

Nuno, José

Ogata, Atsushi

Paik, Nam June

Parker, Bill

Piene, Otto

Poleski, Steve

Powell, John

Rainer, Yvonne

Rath, Alan

Riskin, Seth

Ritter, Don

Rosinsky, Bob

Ruoff, Lees

Seaman, Bill

Sebring, Ellen

Siler, Todd

Simons, Vera

Siï±a, Alejandro und Moira

Sonfist, Alan

St. Florian, Friedrich

Streeter, Tal

Takis, Vassilakis

Tambellini, Aldo

Tsai, Wen-Ying

Van der Beek, Stan

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